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22:39 - 2006-09-27
FSOJ-06 Week 1: Earth Amulet
FSOJ-06 Week 1: Earth Amulet

The Four Seasons of Jewellery Project for 2006-2007 is following the same format as for the previous year; that is to say, 4 "seasons" of 13 weeks each. This year, the seasons are being named after the elements: "Earth", "Water", "Wind" and "Fire". Why "Wind" and not "Air"? I'm not sure, but for my own FSOJ06 I'm going with "Air".

The first 13 weeks are called "Earth".

I'm undecided about whether or not to following themes this year. They haven't been posted yet, but the new blog is up.

Assuming that I do decide to do a body of work based generally on the theme "Earth", this week's project is an Earth Amulet.

The stone in the centre is andalusite aka "fairy cross". The top and bottom beads are amazonite; the left and right beads are turquoise. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic lists the latter two as Earth stones. Melody's Love is in the Earth lists andalusite as being ruled by Virgo - an Earth sign.

There was a time when I knew which element belonged to which stone like the back of my hand... I'm out of practice!



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