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08:34 - 2005-09-23
FSOJ Week 1: A Lady with a Broken Wrist
FSOJ Week 1: A Lady with a Broken Wrist

Client wants rush job
Nine inch crazy plait bangle
Needed by Sunday

Got a call from the gallery on Tuesday - a couple wanting to buy one of my crazy plaited bangles. The only problem was the lady had broken her wrist some time ago, and so needed the bangle to be made bigger. They are leaving to go home to England on Sunday. Could I do it?

I try never to turn down custom work, so I said yes.

I have a lot on my plate at the moment. Tigger is still getting settled and I'm suddenly finding myself having to take on the presidency of a guild, thanks to the Goddess finally deciding to resign. That's a good thing, but she's leaving a mess to sort out. Unfortunately, she is also not going quietly...

In between Tigger taking naps I have managed to get the job done.

It's in the tumbler now, and will be dropped off this afternoon.



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