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22:54 - 2006-03-29
FSOJ Week 27: Bonsai Ring
FSOJ Week 27: Bonsai Ring

Working sculptural
Hoping to find my centre
Grow from inner peace

I realized this week that I feel spiritually drained and in need of refilling. Right now, everything just seems like such a struggle.

I need to get back to creating for the sheer joy of it.

I was at a gallery picking up work today - a depressing event in itself - and I looked at work on display for a show opening tomorrow. I never did finish the piece I wanted to enter into the show, and seeing the work on display, don't think I would have gotten accepted in any case... I mean, the creativity of the pieces was terrific, and I'm wondering how these artists conceive these ideas??? I find myself feeling really frustrated and uncreative looking at these things...

I'm not really sure how I came upon the idea of doing a series of rings based on bonsai trees, but it has something to do with doing work that is more "arty".

So, a first attempt:

And a shot with me wearing it:



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