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16:01 - 2005-06-16
Week 44: Robotoddler!
Week 44: Robotoddler!

This week's theme is "Outside the Box".

This is one of those themes where I had a general idea of what I wanted to do months ago.

Since I wasn't doing a lot of selling last weekend at the horrible show, I ended up doing a lot of people watching. I spied one young woman who was wearing a really interesting T-shirt. It had a drawing of a person on it, but it looked like something a five year old would draw - a stick person.

Anyways, it gave me a new direction for how to develop the idea I had. This pendant actually ended up being much more difficult to construct than I anticipated, but it's still a lot of fun:

I keep looking at this thing and imagining a Robotoddler learning to walk, reaching for his mother and saying in a mechanical voice "MAMA! MAMA!"


Three YOJ projects in three days... I've been focusing on getting ahead of the game with the YOJ projects because I have to free up a block of time next week for another project.



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