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09:33 - 2006-11-30
Need to Take a Break
Need to Take a Break

I'm several weeks behind on the FSOJ project, and I've made the decision to take a break.

Shortly after the project started I discovered that I was pregnant again. This pregnancy came as a complete shock and I have spent a lot of the last two months struggling to come to terms with it. I have felt very conflicted about being pregnant again. After Tigger was born, I was adamant that I did not want any more children. My DH and I had (I thought) come to terms with it. Having to change gears and prepare for another child has made it a very stressful time for me emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Then at my 12 week ultrasound yesterday, I was told that, while they can see an embryo, they don't see a heartbeat. The baby has died. Based on the way they expressed it - that they saw an embryo, not a fetus - I have to conclude that the baby died a few weeks ago.

I'm devastated by this news. At this point, I don't want to think about continuing with the FSOJ project until I have had a chance to grieve and can get my head together again. So I'm taking a break.



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