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18:02 - 2006-12-11
Easy Does It...
Easy Does It...

I'm still not feeling particularly inspired, but I have managed to pick up my pliers to make my Secret Santa gift. I signed up for CWJ's annual Secret Santa before all the baby mess started, so it was important to me to follow through with it.

The bangle I decided to make as my SS gift was originally published in The Wire Artist Jeweller magazine in January 2000. The design is by Mavis Llewellyn, a wonderfully talented wire artist, who I've had the pleasure of knowing for many years.

For some reason, I'm not particularly good at following other people's instructions *grin*. This was actually a challenging project for me.

Unfortunately, my SS didn't want a ring for Christmas, otherwise I would have made something more original. I have an idea floating around in my head that I think I'll try next. I'm not going to try to catch up on the FSOJ project; my plan for the time being is to just make something when I feel like it.

And just in case you're wondering...

I ended up going for a D&C late last week - a relief actually because at first it looked like the doctors were going to make me wait for the baby to abort naturally. The idea of having to face Christmas carrying a dead baby around was just too awful to bear.

I was instructed to go into emergency before noon - and dutifully reported at 11:30 a.m. Getting through the checkin was easy enough. Then I was sent up to Day Surgery, where the waiting began. Thankfully I had a thick book along to read. The day wore on and on. And on... And on...

The Day Surgery department closed at 11 p.m. and at that point I was transfered to the "Post-Anaesthetic Recovery Department". Finally, at 2:45 a.m. the following morning I was taken into surgery. Fifteen hours wait for a procedure that took about 20 minutes!!! I wasn't allowed anything to eat or drink the whole time. The reason for the delay was that there were several trama surgeries, a gall bladder and another lady needing a D&C (she was bleeding, and I wasn't, so she was the higher priority).

I could have scheduled a visit to a private abortion clinic and been in and out in three hours. Even with driving an hour each way to get to the clinic, it would have been faster... It's no small wonder people in Canada are starting to think that private health care is a good idea.



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