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8:23 p.m. - 2004-08-30
The World's Greatest Procrastinator
So far three people have lined up volunteering to "test" my Flowing Rivers bracelet, and confirm that it really doesn't pass the Sweater Test. LOL!

It certainly would be quite the wear test: travelling first to Pennsylvania, then to Australia, then to Quebec! For some reason I'm having visions of the World Travelling Garden Gnome... the testers wearing the bracelet and sending me picture postcards... "Survived a trip through the Outback... wish you were here."

Basically I'm online procrastinating. I still need to make those blasted clip-on earrings and I'm dreading it. I'm supposed to make the earrings match the butt ugliest necklace I've seen in a long long time. I finally went and bought clip-on findings, so I really don't have any excuse anymore.

I just can't seem to get this knot out of my stomach about this project. But I now have a deadline looming: September 1 - the next gem & mineral club meeting. *groan*.

Let's have a contest: the greatest procrastinator in the world. I wonder if I'd win? This project has been outstanding for almost two years...

I have no idea what possessed me to take this commission...



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