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15:22 - 2005-03-16
Week 30: Lots of ideas, no time
Week 30: Lots of ideas, no time

It's been a very busy week, and I haven't had time to do anything for the theme "Found Objects".

I'm teaching again on Sundays for the next couple of weeks. I've got a really good group this time.

Just posting a simple pair of WAJ earrings I taught last Sunday:

Apparently my course is coming to the attention of the day program instructors. One of the day instructors came and introduced herself and mentioned that my course was getting good reviews from her students who have taken it. That's really nice to hear, especially when I think back to those early days when the day students would look down their noses at me when I told them what I was teaching. The attitude then was "Oh, you're not making "real" jewellery!" It really is gratifying to know that the attitude is changing.

Anyways, I've got lots of ideas for new projects, but haven't had much time to start anything. Next week will be better: DH is starting a new job and I will finally be able to get back to a routine of regular work at the bench.



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