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08:57 - 2005-03-24
Week 31: A Love/Hate Relationship
Week 31: A Love/Hate Relationship

This week's theme - Calligraphy - didn't inspire me, and I'm busily working on a web design project due by the end of the month. So once again I'm submitting a simple project for the week:

I teach the elements used in these earrings in my Wire 1 class at George Brown. The figure 8 link in the middle is one that, historically, people have either loved or hated. The project actually calls for making enough of the links to make a necklace. But, I have a policy of not torturing my students, so if they turn out to be in the "hate" group, I give them the option of making this pair of earrings. Last week, two people in the class were in the "hate" group, two were in the "love" group and the rest were "undecided".

As for me, I rediscovered my love/hate relationship with Swarovski while making these. Normally I would only use 24 ga wire for the beading, but I forgot the spool at home. So I had to use 20 ga dead soft instead. As a result, I broke three of the tanzanite drops before I got these done. Grrrrrr.... I love the way Swarovski looks, but I hate how brittle the crystal is.



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