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23:43 - 2006-02-22
FSOJ Week 22: Time Ran Out, So I Whipped off a Quickie
Week 22: Time Ran Out, So I Whipped off a Quickie

Where did this week go?
Work in Progress not done yet
Pendant from Test Piece

Egads! It's Wednesday already!

I've been working on a Call for Entry piece, which is due by March 1st. I have no idea if I'll get it done. I decided to submit something completely off-type, because one of the judges for the CFE is someone who will immediately recognize my style if I submit a wire piece. There is a fair bit of animosity between the two of us - long story - so if I submit something recognisably mine, I'm sure that the person will not judge my piece without undue bias.

Anyways... I've been doing some experimenting with etching on copper.

This pendant is part of a sample strip I did earlier in the week to test how the process works. I got the instructions for doing the etching here . Since I don't have an aquarium bubbler to agitate the water, I decided to use my dryer. Set the timer for 30 minutes air fluff and put the etching canister on top, and yer good to go...

So, since it was 10 p.m. before I noticed that time was running out on me this week, I decided to chop a bit off the test strip, drill some holes, add jump rings and presto! A pendant...



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