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20:51 - 2006-02-13
FSOJ Week 21: A Branch-like \"Thing\" - LOL
FSOJ Week 21: A Branch-like "Thing" - LOL

Want to loosen up
Not be so tight and controlled
Result: Fugly Mess!

This is one of those weeks when my end result leaves me wondering "What was I thinking!?!?"

Well, I know what I was thinking...

Most of the time the work I produce is very straightforward and precisely controlled. I've recently purchased two of the "500" series of books published by Lark Books. Some of the stuff I've seen in there really makes me think that my work is completely boring and ordinary. Certainly not "arty" by any stretch!

I've always held that if it doesn't pass the Sweater Test, it doesn't matter how beautiful the design is. But I've been thinking that maybe I need to just forget about trying to make it "wearable" and see where just doing something completely off the wall it takes me.

Anyways, this week DH and I were sorting through boxes in the garage, and we found my scrap box. Another participant in the FSOJ project did a tree pendant early on, and I wanted to try to create a "branch" made up of scraps.

Yeah, well... it's definitely "different"!!! LOL Hey... there's an Ugly Jewelry Contest going somewhere online, isn't there? Maybe I should enter this piece!!! LOL



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