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13:47 - 2006-03-08
FSOJ Week 24: Diamonds and Hinges
FSOJ Week 24: Diamonds and Hinges

More production work,
Experimentation too
Will it lead somewhere?

Did another bracelet this week, this time in the warp and weft diamond pattern, which I really like.

I'm still working with the idea of creating a suite of pieces, and trying to expand on the range of work incorporating a similar style. Still working with the idea of hinging pieces together, but I wanted to try something a bit different, that being created hinges on the sides rather than on the ends.

I didn't want to waste wire or time on this experiment, so I made it very narrow.

Having learned from my previous mistake, these were three part hinges, and worked quite well. They need to be a bit bigger though, because it was difficult getting the wire through the holes. I had no particular plan in mind to make this specific design - just wanted to play around with an idea to see if it works. And it does. So now I'll try a more elaborate design. I don't like how the ends are finished, so I'll have to think of something else there...



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