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22:57 - 2006-03-22
FSOJ Week 26: Floating Circle Pendant
FSOJ Week 26: Floating Circle Pendant

A difficult week
Lots of mental turbulence
Pendant went well though!

A friend of mine's husband has a habit that drives her completely crazy. When he eats a banana, he ALWAYS leaves the peel on the counter, never managing to actually throw it into the garbage can. No amount of nagging, pleading, or screaming have succeeded in getting him to walk that banana peel the extra six inches to the garbage can...

As a result, we've come to call anything that our DH's do that defies attempts to change a "banana peel issue".

My DH and I have been butting heads this week over one of our banana peel issues. It's gone on for days, and left me feeling completely exhausted.

Anyways, the good news is that we're back on speaking terms and the dust has settled. That does not mean that the banana peel issue has been resolved, just that a truce has been declared again for the moment... lol

So, to distract myself from the mental turbulence, I made a pendant!

The idea was to create the illusion of one circle floating inside another. The connecting wire is obvious in this closeup, but from a distance it does look like it's floating.

This week marks the half-way point of the Four Seasons of Jewellery - unbelievable that it's been six months already! I'll try to post a review later in the week when I've had a bit of time to review the last season.



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