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19:46 - 2006-04-13
FSOJ Week 29: Bonsai 4
FSOJ Week 29: Bonsai 4

Here the fourth Bonsai
The most complex one to date
Copious wire used

One of the things I marvel at with bonsai is the texture of the bark and how thick the trunks can be for such little trees!

With this week's entry, I tried to work in "koten" or classic style bonsai - thicker at the bottom and tapering towards the top.

In order to create a thicker bottom, I had to find a way to incorporate more wire.

I decided to incorporate a woven ring base into the design. That gave me several pieces of 24 ga wire to play with to make the various branches.

The idea was to produce an informal upright style bonsai.

I'm really pleased with how this turned out. I'm having a blast making these - can you tell?




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