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15:05 - 2006-04-18
FSOJ Week 30: Spring has Sprung
FSOJ Week 30: Spring has Sprung

Lark's "500" books
Inspiration: Frustration!
"Heck! I can do THAT!!"

Lark Books has published a number of "500" series books in the last couple of years. Wonderful eye candy for the most part. On the Ganoksin Orchid Digest recently there's been a good discussion about the series and why some of the pieces should or should not have been accepted for publication. Admittedly, some of the entries make me think "Well, heck I could do that!"

There's one that really irritated me in the "500 Bracelets" book: it's a porcelain dog with a gold "leash" strandling the wrist. The reason why it bugged me is because at first glance it's an unwearable piece. When I first looked at it I didn't see that the dog is actually attached to a band around the arm. But still!!!

The gist of the discussion on Orchid is that as far as "art jewellery" goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and as long as it provokes thought and/or discussion, can you really say that it's not a successful piece of art?

Well... okay, fair enough.

So when Lark put out a call for entry for the next "500" series book - 500 Earrings, I thought to myself "I'm going to submit something really off the wall, just to see if it gets in."

I've called the piece "Spring has Sprung, The Grass is Riz", after the little verse that goes "Spring has sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where the birdies is."

The call for entry specifically makes mention about being interested in pieces that make use of "unusual materials". So grass counts!

This is made from a piece of 16 ga. sterling wire that has been forged and bent. The grass is wrapped in nylon panty hose and string and then held in place by the coil. The wire at the end of the coil has been forged to look like another piece of grass poking out from the clump.

Here's a shot without the grass:

Honestly, if this does get selected for publication, I'll fall over laughing.



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