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23:25 - 2006-04-26
FSOJ Week 31: Cascade Style, Roots Exposed
FSOJ Week 31: Cascade, Roots Exposed

Style errors noted
Paying greater attention
Proportions better

I've been studying bonsai websites, and am learning about proportions and various styles. One of the things I noticed about my previous efforts thus far is that virtually all incorrectly proportioned. The bottom of the tree is supposed to take up one third of the total height.

This week I wanted to try doing a cascade style tree, with roots exposed. Because I'm planning to mount these, I'm giving thought to how to set them into their containers. With cascade style trees, there has to be a counter-balance, because all of the weight is on one side. So I tried to create a ring that gets worn on two fingers.

I took my torch to this one to ball up the ends of the wire, then added some copper coloured nail polish. I was really hoping to find some green nail polish, but I guess it's gone out of vogue again. I'm going to look into torch fired enamel to see if that might be an option.

Unfortunately, my camera battery died just after taking this photo, so no shot of me wearing it this week.



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