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23:17 - 2006-05-03
FSOJ Week 32: The Blush
FSOJ Week 32: The Blush

Trees erupt to life
During the first days of May
I call it "The Blush"

For the past two weeks I've been watching "The Blush" - the creeping green that covers the trees. It starts subtly, and grows stronger each day. Then in the first three days of May, the trees literally burst into leaf! This is my favorite time of the year, and my soul sings with joy at being able to relive it again!

In honour of The Blush, I decided that my bonsai this week had to try to reflect the trees going into bud.

While doing research this week, I stumbled across Kimberley Chapman's Beaded Tree Tutorial and decided to try to incorporate the technique. I ended up with a really monstrous ring.

I'm not really happy with the way this turned out. It's not so much the cascade of the branches - I like that - but the wrapping of the thicker parts. It looks clumsy to my eye. Lots of work in making the stems. It produces an interesting, if somewhat delicate, result.



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