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16:10 - 2005-10-10
FSOJ Week 3: The Running Goose
FSOJ Week 3: The Running Goose

Quilting patterns and
�Woven Wire Jewelry� inspired
Running Goose Pendant

Continuing on with the weaving... I was looking through a friend's copy of Linda Chandler's book "Woven Wire Jewelry" and found a photo of a really complex weave on the 5th page of her gallery. After studying how she did it, I decided to give it a go in my own version:

The original idea was to make a bracelet, but I ended up not having enough weft wire. Then I thought I'd make a pendant, which is the longer piece shown here. Then I decided to try a pair of earrings, but only got as far as the first one, also shown here. I may get to the other one by Wednesday, but if I don't then I've got two pendants...

The weaving reminds me of a quilting pattern I thought was called Running Goose but which seems to be commonly known as "Wild Goose".

I'm going to continue working with this pattern a bit more.



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