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16:08 - 2005-10-13
FSOJ Week 4: The Running Goose Bangle
FSOJ Week 4: The Running Goose Bangle

Binding in round wire
Very challenging, indeed!
Half round easier

After studying Linda Chandler's gallery again, I discovered that her bracelets were made in half round wire. *V8 Moment* - well that would have made things a lot easier! I've done all of the pieces so far in round wire! *DUH* Warum einfach wenn umst�ndlich auch geht?

I managed to complete a bangle version of the Running Goose pattern I started last week:

This time around I made sure I had enough weft wire - I cut a piece 9 ft long. This is a really elegant looking bangle IMHO... and it takes forever and a day to construct. I estimate that the total time on this was somewhere in the neighbourhood of 2�-3 hours.

I screwed up - er - made some Design Choices on the ends, but it worked out. Originally I made a clasp out of the one end, but didn't like the way it worked, so I cut it off and made another circle. I actually like the other end, where I wove in a jump ring better - it looks cleaner.

I have two more projects I want to try with this pattern, before I move on to something else.



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