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22:50 - 2005-10-16
FSOJ Week 5: And Now, a Ring
FSOJ Week 5: And Now, a Ring

Running Goose pattern
Done once more now as a ring
Doesn't work this small.

I've got a busy week coming up, so I wanted to get a jump on this week's submission.

Because I know my time for jewellery-making is going to be limited this week, I decided to make the simpler of the two other Running Goose Projects I have planned: the Ring.

This is a development on the way I attached a jump ring to the bracelet. It seemed a natural extension to try to connect the two ends to the same jump ring. Doing the second set of end wraps was very challenging, because I ended up miscalculating on the weft wire again. That meant that the ring was going to be a pinky ring. The pattern makes a very thick ring, so it doesn't work as a small ring - I think it would over whelm a small finger. It might do well as "men's" jewellery though i.e. size 13 and up.

DH and I agree that all of the Running Goose pieces might lend themselves to being rubber molded and then cast. Something to try at a later date...

Edit to add a closeup of the jumpring binding on the inside:



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