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21:53 - 2005-10-26
FSOJ Week 6: Warp & Weft Variations
FSOJ Week 6: Warp & Weft Variations

The Goose has been cooked!
Last idea didn�t work
So new direction...

I'm on a roll!

I managed to complete two more warp & weft pieces this week, and I really like them.

The right-most one is the original Running Goose pattern; the centre and left ones are the new variations. I have an idea for another variation, which I'd hope to try this next week.

The last Running Goose project - chain links - didn't work out, so I abandoned it after trying three sections. I wanted to interlink the ends and then create hinges. Ooo... actually... while I'm writing this I've just thought of how I might be able to resolve the problem I ran into. Hmm... *Going to write a note to self*

I keep thinking I should switch over to half round for the weft wire. Unfortunately, I only have 20 and 18 gauge half round in stock at the moment. It would be easier to work with than the round, but that would make the pieces much more bulky, not as sleek.

Now I just have to find a block of time so I can actually figure out how long it takes to make one of these from start to finish. I'm still only working in chunks of ten minutes here, ten minutes there.



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