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20:57 - 2005-11-02
FSOJ Week 7: More Pendants
FSOJ Week 7: More Pendants

Checkerboard Pendant
Not intended this week but
I ran out of time!

Well, my burning the candle at both ends continues. DH & I bought a house on Monday! Woohoo! Closing is on December 1st, so we're rushing around this week getting signatures on documents, arranging a mortgage, house inspection etc etc...

Still, I've managed to add two more pendants to the Warp & Weft series:

These are made with 6 warp strands rather than 7 - and I think I've finally come up with a way of doing a hinged bracelet using the pattern on the left that might actually work. I have made a couple of attempts this week to make hinges, but the individual links have a tendency to torque, so I'm still not sure the idea is going to look the way I'm envisioning... Stay tuned!

Last week a CWJ member, rubystar, posted a comment on the FSOJ blog asking how long it takes me to make these pendants. Since I can only work in snippets on time here and there, I really don't know, but I estimate that it would be between 15-30 minutes.



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