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21:15 - 2005-11-12
FSOJ Week 8: The Un-Hinged Hinged Bracelet
FSOJ Week 8: The Un-Hinged Hinged Bracelet

Tried a two part hinge
The result fatally flawed
Should have known better!

I finally managed to complete the project I mentioned in Weeks 4 and 6 - a hinged bracelet in the warp & weft pattern.

I needed my torch to make the hinges work. I inserted a small piece of wire through the loops and then balled them up. I love my Little Torch!

But then... D'OH!!!

I only realized after I had assembled the bracelet that two part hinges are by design unstable.

Here's a closeup of the hinge:

It's a fatal flaw that I didn't anticipate, so I've stopped working on the bracelet. It's finished construction, but I'm not going to polish it.

Figuring out a clasp was fun. I didn't want it to be obvious, because that would have thrown off the whole look of the bracelet. So... I flipped through my copy of "The Complete Metalsmith" and found the section on hinge closures. Bingo!

Here's a closeup:

And finally, here's a closeup of the clasp and one of the hinges, lying flat:

The arrow on the right points to the flaw - the hinge has too much space and the two links end up separating. I have no idea why I didn't think of this when I was designing the piece. With a three-part hinge this is not an issue.

I used my bracelet mandrel to slight round the individual links, so that the bracelet lies properly on the arm.

I'm disappointed that it didn't work out the way I envisioned it, but this project was a terrific learning experience. I am going to try again, only next time I'll make three-part hinges. It means that the bracelet will be wider.

I promised the gang on CWJ some photos of Thumper and Tigger:

And one of their Mommy:

I can't resist the chance to make my kids laugh :-)



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