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14:58 - 2006-06-07
FSOJ Week 37: A Studly Pair ;-)
FSOJ Week 37: A Studly Pair ;-)

Here a Studly Pair ;-)
Requested by a client
To match a bracelet

Change of pace this week. I was asked by one of my galleries to make up a pair of stud earrings to match a bracelet of mine the client had bought.

It felt really strange to be doing "normal" jewellery!! LOL

I have not abandoned the bonsai rings though. I've been bookmarking sites like crazy and am trying to figure out how to create my next ring.

I was also contacted by someone looking for more detailed instructions for my "Prong Set Ring" published in Lark Books' "Contemporary Bead and Wire Jewelry". I have been working on various tutorials for about two years, but have not made any effort to publish anything. However, after comparing what I submitted to Lark vs. what they published, I think it would be great to make the more detailed instructions available. So I'm going to work up the tutorial and then make it available on my website in a couple of weeks.



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