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22:13 - 2006-05-31
FSOJ Week 36: Maybe a better one next week
FSOJ Week 36: Maybe a better one next week

Things just didn't work
This will be a guinea pig
For a new technique

Feeling uninspired this week. It's hot and humid and there are several banana peels lying around again. PTTTTTTTHHHHHT!

I didn't really have a plan for this week's bonsai, beyond making something I could use to experiment with enameling. I bought some Ceramitation, low fire enamel, and I'll give it a try when the weather cools off later in the week.

Here's an updated photo with two coats of Ceramitation added:

Ceramitation isn't actually enamel, I've learned. It's a polymer resin. But one thing is for sure: This stuff stinks to high hell - use in a well ventilated area or outdoors IS ABSOLUTELY A MUST. I'm planning on doing one more coat. The first coat was applied after letting the mixture stand for 2 hours, the second after letting it stand for 3 hours. The viscocity is a bit too thick with the second coating IMO. The pliqu� � jour effect is kind of cool - the tree is looking like a jade plant now.



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