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22:15 - 2006-05-24
FSOJ Week 35: Containers
FSOJ Week 35: Containers

To complete the look
A Container is needed
Options are explored

Because from the outset I've been thinking about the bonsai rings in terms of being sculpture as well, I need to also consider the container in which each tree will be displayed.

I'm not sure yet how it's going to work out. Initially I thought to make wooden bases for each of the rings, but having looked at bonsai sites that sell containers, I'm thinking now that I need to be more creative.

I've been looking at all kinds of different things, from candle holders, to ring boxes.

These are cheapo ring boxes. Getting the bonsai I've made so far set into containers, and seeing how they look really got me excited. These babies love to be on display!!!

One option is to make the containers out of polymer clay. Reading the spec sheet on PC makes me leery about working with the material - it certainly doesn't sound non-toxic!!!

Still, I bought a toaster oven at Goodwill today, and bought a couple of different colours of Sculpey. So I'll do a bit of experimenting.

Another option I played with this week was making containers out of wire:

I realized very quickly that this isn't going to be a feasible option, because it takes far too long to make the container. But it was a fun change of pace.

I did actually make a piece of jewellery this week - another viking knit chain for a client - but this is much more interesting to post in the diary :-)



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