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21:01 - 2006-06-18
FSOJ Week 39: Loren's Turk's Head Knot Workshop
FSOJ Week 39: Loren's Turk's Head Knot Workshop

Met Loren Damewood
Learned to make a Turk's Head Knot
Husband has new ring!

Just got back from a wonderful day taking a workshop with Loren Damewood Time constraints meant that I was only able to participate one of the two days, but it was still a blast.

The workshop was held at an old schoolhouse in Puslinch Township.

I recognized the place right away when I arrived. Turns out this is a Girl Guide camp where I went winter camping when I was a Girl Guide 30 some years ago. When I got out of the car, I looked around and wondered where the hill went - when I was camping here, there was a huge hill that we used to toboggan down. Well... 30 years later, it's all covered in trees!

Loren provided all of the tools:

This is a blurry picture of the first round of knotting:

Another student tying her knot:

The second round on my ring:

Loren gave pointers as we went along:

And was nice enough to pose with me for a photo:

Here's my first Turk's Head Ring - lots of tool marks, but a good effort nonetheless! DH is pleased with his new ring!

DH and the boys spent Father's Day with Opa, and when I got back, I found them having a little snooze.



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