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14:12 - 2006-06-26
Four Seasons of Jewellery 2006: Objectives for Summer
Four Seasons of Jewellery 2006: Objectives for Summer

All of a sudden the Spring is over and the Summer session of FSOJ is starting! ACK! All I can think of is the million different things I need to get done yesterday. I'm wearing far too many hats at the moment, but isn't that just typical of me? grin

Response to the bonsai rings I started making in the Spring session has been encouraging. I'm going to continue making them, although I'm not sure about making one a week. One of the things that is required of living bonsai is patience and the willingness to let the tree grow. The time commitment involved is years. Up to now, I've been trying to make the bonsai rings in one shot - a couple of hours work all on one day. I'm thinking now that I need to slow down, and work on producing one ring over the course of a week or even two weeks. But that leaves the issue of producing one finished piece per week. Expect to see simple pieces interspersed with more complex ones...



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