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23:31 - 2006-06-28
FSOJ Week 40: Regrowth Bonsai
FSOJ Week 40: Regrowth Bonsai

Old wood dies, but new shoots grow
Contrast black and white

One of the things that is valued in bonsai is how old the tree looks. Every tree tells a story of its life: the combination of dead wood and new growth speaks to a hardy survivor. The dead wood is often bleached white to create even more contrast.

This week I wanted to emulate the dead wood/new growth idea:

I used liver of sulphur to darken the "live" parts of the tree. I painted the solution on, and then waited for the silver to turn. What ended up happening was that I got a rainbow effect in the colouring, which was very cool!

In order to preserve the effect I'll have to rub on some renaissance wax fairly quickly I should think...

I really like the unusual visual effect that the LOS solution created.



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