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05:53 - 2006-08-17
FSOJ Week 47: Abacus Ring
FSOJ Week 47: Abacus Ring

Summer is waning
And so is my energy
Need a vacation!

During this summer session of the FSOJ I seem to have lost steam. I haven't made a bonsai ring in weeks, and haven't had the energy to start anything even remotely challenging.

My schedule has been very hectic, and I've taken to getting up at 0 dark 30 in the morning. I've been working long hours (put in an 18 1/2 hour day last week), and having bouts of insomnia.

As a result, I'm feeling run down and have a constant runny nose...

I'm still going back through old projects and seeing which have tutorial potential.

This week's offering (which I finished on time yesterday, but didn't have the energy to post) is a reworking of one I did for the YOJ last year.



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