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10:34 - 2006-09-21
FSOJ Week 52: Fall Foliage Bonsai
FSOJ Week 52: Fall Foliage Bonsai

Autumn comes, leaves turn
Four Seasons draw to a close
Time to Celebrate!

So here we are at the end of the Four Seasons of Jewellery 2005-2006.

Here in the Great White North, the leaves are turning. The riotous colours typical of fall aren't quite at their full peak yet. In some ways the way the colours develop reminds me of how similar it is to The Blush in the Spring.

Anyways, I wanted to try the same ring as last week, only make the ring a little taller. In honour of the season's change, I made the leaves multi-coloured.

This attempt is only marginally closer to what I had in mind :-(.

I do like the mottled effect of the sead beads. I'm undecided about whether or not to make a third attempt. It's a lot of work for an idea that so far hasn't yielded the results I'm looking for.

I've signed on for the next FSOJ - which starts next week. But first, I'll post a review of all of the projects for the past year.



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