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21:29 - 2006-09-14
FSOJ Week 51: Another Bonsai Finally!
FSOJ Week 51 - Another Bonsai Finally!

Return to Bonsai
After a small hiatus
Still developing

Many of the comments I've been getting in recent weeks have included requests for more bonsai rings. In Week 42 I played with some beaded leaves, working out an idea for a new mame bonsai ring.

This week, I decided to finally give the idea a try. Of course, I couldn't find my green beads... I'm sure they're buried on my bench somewhere...

Luckily when I bought the seed beads originally, I bought two tubes. Different colours, mind you, but no matter. Anyways, I started the ring at 9 p.m. last night and finished by midnight.

The ring ended up being more flat than I had intended, but the general idea was right.

Side view

It's a funky little ring, and fun to wear.



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