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20:49 - 2006-09-04
FSOJ Week 50: Pure Heart
FSOJ Week 50: Pure Heart

A Blast From the Past
Design from my early years
Using up some beads

Put out an APB!! Madame Muse is AWOL!!!

As a result, I'm struggling to come up with anything original. So I went looking through my catalogue and decided to spend some time doing something that doesn't require a lot of mental concentration: a wrapped loop chain in 24 gauge wire. The pendant is a design I came up with in 1999 and decided to try again. It only took four tries to figure out how I did it the first time *grin*

I timed myself making the individual links, and each one took about three minutes once I got into the swing of things. It was actually really refreshing to do. The beads are from my Swarovski stash.



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