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23:00 - 2006-07-12
FSOJ Week 42: Beaded Leaves
FSOJ Week 42: Beaded Leaves

Tried some beaded leaves
Work outside my element
Testing an idea

I've been thinking about what to do next in the bonsai series. Mame (pronounced ma-may) are the smallest bonsai, measuring no more than 10 cm tall. Most of the rings I've made up to now would fall into the mame category. I've been concentrating on making the rings look like little trees, but mame can often just look like the delicate little plants they are.

In particular this little mame by Harry Harrington really appeals to me.

But, before I could attempt what I'm thinking, I needed to work out how to make the leaves.

So, this week, I'm experimenting with making beaded leaves.

The one on the right was the first one, but I didn't really like it, so I did the one on the left.

I'm not sure this will work for the ring. I'm not a beader, so this was a bit of working outside my element.



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