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14:57 - 2005-12-23
Four Seasons of Jewellery 2006 - Objectives for Winter
Four Seasons of Jewellery 2006 - Objectives for Winter

Well, now that we're starting the second season of the FSOJ project, it's a good time to review the objectives I had set out for myself in Autumn and decide what direction I want to go in the next 13 weeks.

I focused a lot on weaving in the first season almost by default, since it seems to be something that lends itself to being picked up and put down frequently.

I'm generally pleased with the pieces I created. I've got a good base from which to develop a line. I do feel like I lost my stride in the last couple of weeks. Not a surprise, considering all that was going on. I am mightily proud of myself for actually managing to complete a piece on time each week.

So... now, since I haven't tackled any of the other things I wanted to try - coiling, riveting and setting small stones - I think I'll just continue on with the Autumn objectives.



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