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21:56 - 2005-12-28
FSOJ Week 14: Getting into New Routines
FSOJ Week 14: Getting into New Routines

Where's my studio???
Slowly the unpacking goes
Couch serves as a bench!

I'm finally getting to unpack the boxes in my studio, but I still have a long way to go before it's a functional space. At least the wire and the beads are available. I discovered in the course of the move that I have several spools of really old wire - i.e. a couple of feet of 20 ga soft round - that I really should try to use up.

Once again, Wednesday is upon me, and I've had to force myself to sit down for an hour and pick up my pliers.

I still can't find the cord to attach the camera to the computer, so the photo for this week's piece will have to be updated at a later date.

Photo added Jan. 10, 2006 after MUCH FRUSTRATION with my FTP

Prior to the move, I made a last trip to my favourite Local Bead Store and picked up some wonderful kyanite pear shaped drops. I did some coiling around the bead to make a frame. It's a bit rough, but considering that my focus isn't on jewellery these days, I'm satisfied with making it a "for me" piece.

A new house means trying to get into new routines - like getting Tigger to go to sleep earlier and without relying on Mommy for a tit or a cuddle to lull him to sleep. I have been getting hopelessly little sleep because he's up every 45 minutes or so during the night. Most of the time all he wants is to use Mommy's tit as a pacifier, so before I turn into a sleep deprived megabitch, I'm instituting sleep training. And since DH is off work for a week during the Christmas break, it's not a crisis if he loses sleep. It's so hard listening to the crying, but thankfully Tigger is responding really well, and tonight he only complained for about 5 minutes. I want to get him used to falling asleep by himself so that we can move him into Thumper's room. Then hopefully I'll start to get some real sleep again...



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