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23:21 - 2006-01-04
FSOJ Week 15: Another Piece for Me
FSOJ Week 15 - Another Piece for Me

Struggling to work
On a style that isn't "me"
Just want to try it

I've admired Eni Oken's work for ages. Even included a mention of her in a presentation I gave at the Toronto Bead Society a few years ago. She has lots of popular tutorials available on her website and the techniques are raved about on CWJ.

I've been watching people post their versions of Eni's coiled bangle with a lot of interest.

It WAS my intention to buy the tutorial and make it from instructions. I even set up a PayPal account - in part because I wanted to buy the tutorial, but also because I'm looking at adding PayPal as a purchase option for my own website. The problem is that they want a bank account AND a credit card to "verify" your identity. I've read lots of bad things about PayPal, and even subscribed to a Yahoogroup called "No Pal PayPal". I've read enough horror stories to make me very leery of giving PayPal access to my business account. So the plan is to set up a separate account just for PayPal transactions.

Except... I haven't made it to the bank yet.

So, since I'm impatient, I thought I'd just wing it, and see if I could make the bracelet without the instructions.

Photo added Jan. 10, 2006 after MUCH FRUSTRATION with my FTP

The bracelet incorporates new jade, labradorite, some sort of agate and tourmaline.

Well... I'm used to working with very long pieces of wire, but it took me two days to wrap coiling around two beads. Then I decided "enough of this crap" and wound the wire onto bobbins. That sped things up immensely. I still have no idea how Eni can only charge $260 for her bracelets. I suppose with practise one gets much faster...

My result is adequate, considering that I was flying by the seat of my pants. It's not "my" style, but I'm glad to have stepped outside of my usual modis operandi to give it a go.

I still plan on eventually buying the tutorial, just because I want to see how far off base I was.



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