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21:57 - 2006-01-11
FSOJ Week 16: The Caregiver
FSOJ Week 16: The Caregiver

Her arms embracing
Those stretched out in love and trust
To "The Caregiver"

This week's project has been bubbling around in my brain since before we moved. The intention was to make a pendant for Thumper's daycare lady that pays homage to the important role she played in his life.

Our childrens' caregivers leave major imprints on them. Often the job is stressful - the hours are long, and there is a fine balance between keeping the kids happy and in line and dealing with the parents' expectations. I'm really thankful to have had such a wonderful and loving woman look after my son.

I originally chose rose quartz beads because they represent the energy of universal love, but the colour was too pale. So I decided on rhodochrosite instead. Unfortunately rhodochrosite is one of those very soft stones that loses its polish very easily, so tumble polishing is out of the question. As a result, and because my little voice is telling me she doesn't wear silver, I chose to team the stone with gold filled wire.

I'm not sure the pendant clearly expresses my intention. DH had trouble making out the two figures.



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