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20:30 - 2006-01-19
FSOJ Week 17: \"Use It Up\" Pendant
FSOJ Week 17: "Use it Up" Pendant

Found straggly bits
While packing up studio
Swore I'd use them up

I came across a bunch of ends of spools from previous wire buys while I was packing, and when I unpacked them on this end I decided that I really should use them up.

The Eni style bracelet I did a few weeks ago was the first project I did with the stuff I found.

This week, life has been insanely busy, and I didn't even START the project until well after 9 p.m. last night - the due date.

Tigger has been waking up a lot again during the night, and I've been noticing that I'm usually in the middle of some really strange dream. One of the times I woke up I was thinking of a pendant design that reminded me of a penguin. Don't ask... my mind works in strange ways... I should have scribbled the design down at the time, but didn't. When I came back to it, nothing I tried seemed to resemble the dreamed image.

So, what to do? Start doodling:

And come up with a finished product:

The idea was to add a facetted stone to the bottom of the pendant, but in reality, the way I constructed the pendant didn't really lend itself to adding one. At least, not yet. In another version (possibly a soldered one), adding one might be possible.

This pendant uses 20 ga. soft square for the frame, and I think it's 22 ga. square for the squiggle in the middle. The wrapping is 28 ga. fine silver round.

I said that one of the things I wanted to do this session was to make a bunch of pieces using coiling. So far, I'm on track...



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