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13:01 - 2006-01-24
FSOJ Week 18: Same Again, Please
FSOJ Week 18: Same Again, Please

I liked last week's piece
So decided to repeat
Practise makes Perfect!

Last year's "Outside the Box" theme week is what really inspired the projects from this week and last.

Slight variation on the squiggly one - more in line with the doodle. The one on the left is supposed to be a leaf.

The response to last week's offering from the CWJ gang was very heartening. Christmas sales didn't happen for me this year at my galleries. I lost one recently, and am likely about to lose another one, so getting the response "I'd buy that" is wonderful.

The problem, of course, is making the pendant cost effectively. So... I have to make a few more of these and see if I can get the production time down. I figure I can probably sell these for about $50, chain included. That means I need to be able to whip them off in about 30-45 minutes.



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