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21:47 - 2006-01-30
FSOJ Week 19: Branch Pendant
FSOJ Week 19: Branch Pendant

More in the series
Of "Using It Up" Pendants
This one is branch-like

I'm exhausted.

I've spend many many nights this last three weeks burning the midnight oil putting together a Canada-wide mailing for a guild I belong to. Six hundred and sixty-seven copies of a newsletter, with two pages of inserts, plus updating a website to accept online registration and payments for workshops and memberships.

The newsletters got delivered to the post office this morning: $360 worth of postage!

Tonight, I decided that the only thing I really I wanted to work on was jewellery.

I'm hoping to be able to submit something to a call for entry whose due date is coming up on March 1. I've got all the supplies together, just haven't actually sat down to work on it. It involves branches, and so I've got that on the brain.

I'm still trying to use up the scraps on my bench.

I've been thinking about doing some kind of pendant that incorporates a wavy line, but haven't been able to develop an idea I like. Then this week I was surfing the internet, and came across a site that had some pendants with gemstones sticking off the sides. Hmm.... I started seeing possibilities...

The "Use It Up" mantra applies to my beads as well as my wire. The pearl is from Bead Box North (currently on hiatus, but hopefully I'll get it out the door again before spring). The tourmaline is part of a package I bought about two years ago at a gem and mineral show, but have done nothing with... until now :-)



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