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21:51 - 2005-12-20
FSOJ Week 13: A Repair Prior to a Sale
Week 13: A Repair Prior to a Sale

The Move is Complete
But my life is still chaos
One Chapter ends, starts

Early last week I was contacted by someone who wanted the pearl pendant on my website. I told the guy I was moving and wouldn't be able to deliver the pendant until this week.

I made several of these back in 2000, but they rated very high on the PITA factor - the cost of the labour vs. how much I could sell them for. So I've been selling them off, but not making any more.

I now have only one left, and it wasn't in the best shape. The wrapping was skewed. So I undid the wrapping and reworked it. I'm going to deliver it tomorrow.

So a reworking of an old design - does that count for a FSOJ submission? Well... I'm counting it. At least I touched my pliers this week! Woo hoo!

The move went really well - they were done in 4 1/2 hours! There are boxes all over the place, and we can't find all kinds of stuff, but it sure is nice to be in our own home! Our first full day in the house was spent doing laundry - what heaven to not have to go outside, around the back and wrestle with the frozen shut basement door! I put up some Christmas decorations on our empty bookshelves, in a somewhat feeble attempt to get into the festive spirit.

I've taken pictures of my new studio, but can't find the cord to attach to the camera. It's not much to look at yet - just stacks of boxes.

Thumper is settling in very nicely - and going for naps and bedtime shockingly easily. It was always a battle at the old place. Now all I have to do is say, "it's nap time" or "it's bed time" and he's heading up the stairs! He puts his menagerie to bed (7 stuffed animals that he sleeps with) and then happily puts on his pyjamas and gets in bed with them. No fuss, no complaints, no asking me to read every story he owns...

Tigger on the other hand... well, he sleeps two hours at a stretch if I'm lucky.



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