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10:12 - 2005-12-13
FSOJ Week 12: Let Go and Let God
FSOJ Week 12: Let Go and Let God

Let Go and Let God
Oprah reminds me this week
Good advice, timely

Tigger is driving me nuts! For the past four nights, he's been waking up every half hour, every hour. I'm getting no sleep and I'm grumpy, stressed and looking at all the stuff I still have to pack. DH has not been helping much with the packing and had the nerve on the weekend to complain about having to move boxes out of our storage locker into the truck. *Making choking hands Insert your neck here please*

I HATE MOVING!!!! I love my house, I'm looking forward to being in my house, but I HATE MOVING!!!

On the happy side: Thumper has been trying to be very helpful - he wants to help move stuff and was carrying little bits and pieces on the weekend from the locker to the car. It's a bit of a PITN to supervise him and try to get stuff moved, but at the same time I don't want to discourage him. He's also been very keen to help me with making breakfast, putting bread in the toaster, measuring out the scoops of coffee beans for Mommy's coffee... It's those moments that brighten my day...

One of Oprah's shows last week talked about surrendering your worries to the Higher Power. It was just what I needed to hear. I'm trying to keep that in mind this week when life starts to go hairy.

As much as I hate to post this, I'm not getting anything else done this week. This is my Secret Santa gift, which, on top of move stress, needs to get out the door in the next two days...

I tried a very weak LOS mixture to darken the silver a bit, and then took some steel wool to it. That's because I've already packed away my tumbler - D'OH! Normally, when I use LOS I make it strong, and let the piece go BLACK BLACK BLACK, then use the tumbler to bring it back to silver a bit. This has a look of steel, which is kind of cool.

Another view:

Sorry for the preview, but it can't be helped. It will be interesting to see if I can post on time next week!



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