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21:34 - 2005-12-07
FSOJ Week 11: Two Minute Earrings
FSOJ Week 11: Two Minute Earrings

Babies sick, I'm sick
A Pause while packing boxes
Two Minute Earrings!

Eleven days until the movers come and I'm sounding I swallowed a frog.

I'm struggling to get the boxes packed, and breaking into sweats thinking about how much I still have to do. Both my kids have been sick, and now I've been feeling like crap for three days. Bloody inconvenient timing!

Thumper has been driving me nuts today, constantly - like every five minutes - asking to watch Baby Einstein... and having huge hissy fits when I say no. How do you shut a two year old up??? Tigger is squeaking in anger whenever I try to wipe his nose.

All of a sudden it's Wednesday, and I haven't managed to pick up my pliers at all this week!

So here's a pair of earrings I've whipped off:

On a positive note though: a lady in California bought my Black Pod Pendant!!! Woo hoo!



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