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22:05 - 2005-11-25
FSOJ Week 10: A Save!
FSOJ Week 10: A Save!

I hate wasting wire
So design choices gone wrong
Must somehow be saved

In week 3 I made a pendant with a loop that was too small. Nice design, but essentially useless.

So... how to pull the piece out of the scrap bin... ???

In the previous YOJ, I made a Wire Artist Jeweller piece - a "pearl enhancer" which is used to attach a pendant to a strand of pearls. I decided to resurrect the idea, only use a 6 mm facetted cz and a prong setting:

Here's the back:

And with the pendant attached:

This needs to go into to the tumbler, to soften up some of the edges. I used 24 ga. square wire and ended up making the prongs too long. So I cut them off and made double prongs. I can't find the key to my foredom at the moment, so I used the cup burr in my fingers to round the prongs a bit. It still needs more, and the prongs need to be pressed down a bit more as well.

Ironically, the last time I did the pearl enhancer, it was in Week 11 - almost exactly at the same point as this year...



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